(Giveaway will end Friday, April 2nd, at 10:00 p.m.)
If you didn’t win the giveaway yesterday, don’t worry you have another chance TODAY!
I am giving away another month’s worth of coupon inserts to two more of my lucky readers! That's right - every coupon insert from the month of March!
To enter the giveaway:
Make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you!
You can do all 3 below for a total of 3 entries!
1. Subscribe to Centsible Savings by email or in a reader. Or leave a comment stating that you already subscribe.
2. Join Centsible Savings on facebook or leave a comment stating that already joined Centsible Savings on facebook.
3. Leave a comment telling me if and how using coupons has changed your life. And if you became a millionaire tomorrow, would you still use coupons? :)
Couponing has made a huge difference for us. I got serious about it when hubby lost his job last year. Two months of no steady income will make yo count every penny. ;) Now that I'm getting the hang of it, our grocery budget is about half what it was before I started couponing, and we eat much better. I thought that buying store brands and eating beans and rice was the lowest we could get our budget. Boy, was I wrong! And yes, I would definitely still coupon if we became millionaires. I'd splurge on more things, but I don't think I'd be passing up all the freebies!
ReplyDeleteI'm an email subscriber
ReplyDeleteAlso a FB followerb
ReplyDeleteI subscribe via email.
ReplyDeleteMichelle M.
I follow on Facebook!!!
I follow with google reader.
I friended Centsible Savings on facebook.
Coupons have changed our lives! Our grocery budget is down at least $300 a month and this savings got the ball rolling on a total budget makeover. Because of this we actually have light at the end of what seemed like a never-ending tunnel. We hope to have our debt paid off by September, and I have to say it all started with me finding blogs like this one! Thanks so much!
Using coupons has helped me be a more sensible shopper - always looking for the best deal! I would still coupon if I became a millionaire tomorrow because why pay more if you don't have to?
I subscribe!
And I'm a fan!
Couponing has helped my family a lot, especially since my husband's been off work for a work injury & our income has been limited. My coupon supply has been dwindling lately & this would really help boost things up & help us out a lot!
melissa lambert, i have already became a fan on face book. just entering contest again.
I have reduced our food budget from $400 to $275 and my stockpile is still growing!!
Subscribe in google reader
facebook fan
Using coupons has totally changed the way I think about money. I used to believe that groceries were just a fixed expense and there was not much I could do about lowering my bill. Not true! Couponing is like a game for me, so I would probably still coupon if I won the lottery. Then I could quit my job and have more time to teach others about using coupons!
Using coupons has made going to the store so much fun. I have only been using them for about a year and they have made a hugh difference in life. I have now learned to not buy several things that I would have paid in the past full price for. I am still working on my family to start doing this also. I did sign up for your e-mail. Thanks for all you do!
ReplyDeleteI've always used coupons, but a year ago I started seriously using coupons. God knew that six months later my husband would lose his job and started me on this path. Using coupons have enabled us to survive. I WILL ALWAYS use coupons- no matter how much money I get. Thanks for the help.
ReplyDeleteI'm a subscriber, via Google Reader.
I'm already a Facebook fan. (Thrifty Sarah)
Using coupons has really helped our budget. When I first got into it, I had just lost my job and medical bills were flowing in. Had I not started couponing, several of those months, we probably wouldn't have been able to make our rent payments. So, I'm really grateful to all these couponing websites who helped me figure out how to coupon! :)
I subscribe by RSS.
ReplyDeleteCoupons have definitely changed my life. We do save a ton of money on groceries and even more on personal items. But it's also just a fun game to see what I can get for free/super-cheap. I always pick up whatever I can get and donate things we don't want. The last time I had all my friends over for a dinner party, I pulled out my donate stash at the end of the night and they cleaned me out! It's nice to be able to give everyone a tub of toothpaste (okay, that sentence sounded so stupid!). But to them it's $4. To me, it was a little bit of time and effort but zero money. Coupons are fun!
ReplyDeleteIf I were a millionaire, I'd probably be doing other things and wouldn't have time to coupon.
I suscribe to your blog by a reader.
I am a fan of you on facebook.
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ReplyDeleteCoupons have changed my mindset about grocery shopping.....before, for my family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children under 3), we were spending around $550 a month on groceries and personal items. After finding your blog and following it for several weeks I began to take coupon shopping seriously. I have now cut our grocery bill to $280! I read your blog everyday and I recommend as many of my friends as I can to your blog, so, that they can learn to save too! I now have a nice stash of personal items that I got for free or almost free, I can't believe this because I used to pay $3 for toothpaste, deodorant, etc. I also, love to share these items with others who need them. Couponing has definately turned my life around, we are now on our way to saving for a new home (I thought we would never be able to save any money). Thank you for making this blog possible!
ReplyDeleteIf I was a millionaire, I would have to say I would probably not do coupons....I am sure I would be far to busy! :)
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ReplyDeleteI'm a facebook follower!
ReplyDeletetomichfamily at me dotcom
I subscribe via google reader.
ReplyDeletetomichfamily at me dotcom
I am OBSESSED with coupons! I spend a lot of my free time cutting coupons and matching them up (or rather pulling out the cp others have matched for me!). This also saves money b/c I don't shop as much!
ReplyDeleteIf I were a millionaire I hope I would still use coupons; then I can splurge on other stuff!
The email for the last post is tomichfamily at me dotcom
ReplyDeleteCoupons may one day help me build or buy a new home! Right now, though, I am thankful for the opportunity they provide me to save some of our hard-earned money.
ReplyDeleteHello, I subscribe via e-mail and facebook.
I just friended you on FB!
I just subscribed via RSS:-)
I have just started couponing recently, but am pleasantly surprised:-) I have scored great deals for me as well as my friends. Love it. I likely would continue using coupons if I suddenly became a millionair tomorrow. If I could continue saving money, I could live comfortably and help others:-)
I subscribe via email
ReplyDeletekgrant77 @ gmail.com
Waiting for friend confirmation kelly catlin grant
ReplyDeletekgrant77 @ gmail.com
I all ready subscribe Would love to win!!!!
ReplyDeleteDiana Sundquist
I subscribe to your feed and love it!!!
I LOVE coupons. They have helped us save a lot of money and were recently able to pay off our car in half the time because of it.
ReplyDeleteIf I were a millionaire, I would definitly coupon. I am adicted to the hunt for the deal and it is my favorite past time. Would not trade it for the world!
email subscriber
facebook fan!
ReplyDeleteI'm a newbie to couponing! I enjoy it, but also get frustrated because I'm not a pro like all of you! I'm on that mission to become one thougH!
ReplyDeleteNo matter the amount of money, I would still coupon!