Today I picked up some ground beef, 2 bottles of Sundown vitamins, and a box of SuperPretzels. The Superpretzels were BOGO which made 1 box $1.25. I had a $.50 coupon which doubled, so I paid $.25. The vitamins were BOGO as well. I found the cheapest thing which was $2.58 and used 2 $2.00 coupons, giving me $1.42 in overage. The meat I ended up returning (you can read about that
here). So I ended up getting paid $1.17! The Sundown coupons were in both the 4-13 and 4-27 Redplum if you want to take advantage of that deal yourself. The BOGO's ring up half price, so you can still get some overage even if you only have one coupon.
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